
Holds a list of objects.


This class extends SitedList and adds support for "active lists", which have an ID_aref property and communicate back with the server when they change.




ID_listChanged (inherited from SitedList)Event handler called when the list changes.


add (inherited from SitedList)Adds an item to the list. Notifies listeners of the change.
addEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Adds a delegate to be called when the specified eventId occurs on this object.
addOrFlattenItem (inherited from SitedList)
contains (inherited from SitedList)Tests if this list contains the specified object.
equals (inherited from SitedObject)Tests if two objects are equal.
fireEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Invokes any user event handlers registered for a particular event using SitedObject.addEventHandler().
flatten (inherited from SitedList) Creates a SitedList from the list of arguments, expanding any nested arrays into individual elements, recursively.
getBindingStatus (inherited from SitedObject)Provides debugging information on bindings for this object.
getInternalArray (inherited from SitedList)Gets the JavaScript Array object used internally to store the list's items.
getLength (inherited from SitedList)Gets the number of items in the list.
getPathValue (inherited from SitedObject)Traverses a binding path and returns the value at the end of it.
getPropertyInfo (inherited from SitedObject)Gets information on a property.
getSite (inherited from SitedObject)Gets this object's site.
getValue (inherited from SitedList)Gets the value of a property on this object.
indexOf (inherited from SitedList)Gets the index of the specified object.
insert (inherited from SitedList)Inserts an item in the list at the specified index. Notifies listeners of the change.
onSetValue(Override) Called by SitedObject.setValue() when a property value is set on this object.
onSited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when this object is sited.
onUnsited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when this object is about to lose its site.
onValueSited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when an object is sited within this object.
onValueUnsited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when an object is about to be unsited in this.
remove (inherited from SitedList)Removes the specified object from the list. Notifies listeners of the change.
removeAt (inherited from SitedList)Removes the item at the specified index. Notifies listeners of the change.
removeEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Remove an existing delegate from the list of delegates for the specified event.
setInitialValues (inherited from SitedObject)Sets multiple property values on an object (during initialization only)
setItems (inherited from SitedList)Wholesale replacement of this lists contents with another list's contents. Fires change notifications.
setPathValue (inherited from SitedObject)Traverses a binding path and sets the value at the end of it.
setValue (inherited from SitedList)Sets the value of a property on this object.
toArray (inherited from SitedList)Returns a copy of this list's items as an array.
toString (inherited from SitedObject)Returns a string representation of this object.

DataList ID_items property


var objectList = dataList.getValue(ID_items)
dataList.setValue(ID_items, objectList)


<j:di type="typeName">object</j:di>
<j:di type="typeName">object</j:di>

DataList onSetValue method (override)

Called by SitedObject.setValue() when a property value is set on this object.




This calls DataSet.sendCommand() to send a "set" command back to the server to update server-side values for properties on this DataObject when they change.

Base Implementation