
A transaction helper used to manage when changes to bound properties are propagated.


ID_submitterIdThe ID this submitter is known by.


addEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Adds a delegate to be called when the specified eventId occurs on this object.
cancelChangesCancels binding changes to objects that share this submitterId.
equals (inherited from SitedObject)Tests if two objects are equal.
fireEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Invokes any user event handlers registered for a particular event using SitedObject.addEventHandler().
getBindingStatus (inherited from SitedObject)Provides debugging information on bindings for this object.
getPathValue (inherited from SitedObject)Traverses a binding path and returns the value at the end of it.
getPropertyInfo (inherited from SitedObject)Gets information on a property.
getSite (inherited from SitedObject)Gets this object's site.
getValue (inherited from SitedObject)Gets the value of a property on this object.
onSetValue (inherited from SitedObject)Called by SitedObject.setValue() when a property value is set on this object.
onSited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when this object is sited.
onUnsited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when this object is about to lose its site.
onValueSited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when an object is sited within this object.
onValueUnsited (inherited from SitedObject)Called when an object is about to be unsited in this.
removeEventHandler (inherited from SitedObject)Remove an existing delegate from the list of delegates for the specified event.
setInitialValues (inherited from SitedObject)Sets multiple property values on an object (during initialization only)
setPathValue (inherited from SitedObject)Traverses a binding path and sets the value at the end of it.
setValue (inherited from SitedObject)Sets the value of a property on this object.
submitChangesApplies any unsubmitted changes.
toString (inherited from SitedObject)Returns a string representation of this object.

Submitter cancelChanges method

Cancels binding changes to objects that share this submitterId.




This walks all descendents of the parent of this submitter, looking for child objects with a matching submitterId. When one is found, any bound properties on the object are refreshed so that they show the current global version of the bound value.

This does not effect any bindings that have the 'instant' flag set on them.

Submitter ID_submitterId property

The ID this submitter is known by.


var idname = submitter.getValue(ID_submitterId)
submitter.setValue(ID_submitterId, idname)


<j:Submitter submitterId="string"  ... >


Pass this ID to Control.submitChanges() to submit changes belonging to this submitter.

Submitter submitChanges method

Applies any unsubmitted changes.




If any objects using this submitter have modified any of their bound properties, then these changes are now propagated upwards, so that the global version of bound properties reflects the internal values held by the object.

This causes bound properties to propagate to the rest of the page. If a property is bound to an active dataset, the dataset sends change messages to be sent back to the server.

This does not effect any bindings that have the 'instant' flag set on them.

See Also